March 15, 2006

Paint my life thus

The first rain on a dry earth, ah the petrichor - fragrance of the highest!
You sent me a rainbow, when I only asked for rain!
Dew drop so perfect, the sparkle - a blush when the Sun sends a kiss.
Silky sky with cotton clouds, crumpled musings of a poet's pen perhaps?
And the many hues of blue, pale here, periwinkle there and the bluest blue seas!
A sunrise, a moonlit night and the stars out of reach but in sight.
Flowers born at Your feet, a bouquet for me at my doorstep everyday!
Oh what a blessing my Lord, you found me worthy of these!

Golden for all the love, blue for the laughter,
Red for the smiles and white for the peace.
Yellow for a happy sunshine, green so I'm glad for all that is mine.
And last, a touch of black - for without it, there wouldn't even be a white!
Heavenly painter with colors endless, paint my life thus.



Blogger RustyNeurons said...

Thats a wonderful way of looking at life!!! Yeah, considering the cribbing that goes out to god everyday, this should shut us mortals up.

May 23, 2007 at 10:15 AM  

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