March 21, 2007

A Path

Lost in trance, on a deserted path
My feet kept moving, which way? I knew not.
There were no crossroads, no twists or turns
Just a hypnotic stretch of tar, as far as eye can see.
There were no other passers-by, no bird no animal -
I was alone, at peace with my world and theirs.
The trees stood around me in a bare-armed embrace,
Autumn had wreaked havoc, and Spring was still far away.
Those brown leaves crumpled under my feet,
Like memories of yore, trampled by tomorrow's worries.
I walked and I walked, my feet never hurt one bit!
I stopped to say hello to the little wild flower behind the rock,
I nodded a 'goodday' to the golden bee on the next!
I lost track of how far I'd come, how far I'd strayed
There was an unending path, behind and ahead.

Shortly, I came upon a milestone, a muddy stump of wood
That showed a meaningless number to nowhere.
Was that my destination? Is that how far I'm supposed to go?
Who would tell me that? How would I know?
I looked at the way I'd come and
Found it no different than the way I was to go!
Then how did the number on the milestone matter, I wondered.
To my left was barren land, littered by rocks and bush
Lay a corn field to my right, lush with golden crop.
There would be a village there not far away, and
There would be a farmer who would surely cross my way
He could tell me where I could go, he could give me bread and water too.

But I was not tired, my feet were still raring to go and
I was curious where the bleak landscape would lead to.
So off I went to my left, towards the wild unknown
I tripped on the rocks, and slipped on the sand but
My feet never wavered, my mind never in doubt
I walked on where a path never existed.
I reached a summit, where the land became rougher
Tougher journeys lay ahead, but without the milestones.

I paused and looked back, to see the way I'd come
And my heart was filled with immense joy -
For now, a path I could see, the path I'd trodden by.



Blogger Nithya said...

Lady Robert Frost in the making !!

Awesome seriously....Loved it..I am reminded of "The Road not Taken" and "Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening", whilst reading this poem of yours..

*Clapping frantically* :)
I want more such poems from ur side :D

March 28, 2007 at 9:34 PM  
Blogger Priya Arun said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! :-)

You're right, after I finished it and read it again, I felt the same too.

March 29, 2007 at 12:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

AAA (Adore Admire Amazed)

onwards & upwards

March 29, 2007 at 8:00 PM  
Blogger Vivekanand M said...

Amazing stuff!

March 30, 2007 at 3:46 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Fan-bloody-tastic ( as my brother sez!!)...felt good after reading this...i nevereven imagined the poem wud end this way after the way it started....Wandarfool!!!....u have a way with words!!!

April 1, 2007 at 3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely. I loved it.

April 7, 2007 at 2:31 AM  
Blogger Priya Arun said...

Yuva - *takes a bow* thanks! :-)

Vivek - Thank you! :-)

Sharan - Thanks! :-) even I didnt know the poem would end that way.. it just wrote itself!

Appu - Thanks! nee enna blogging vittuteya?

April 25, 2007 at 10:36 AM  

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